Sunday, February 27, 2011

Getting Ready For the High Holy Month!

Well, I admit it, I have been lame about posting. I use to so look forward to the pearls of wisdom that would flow through my veins and onto the blog....hehehe. I have been lame about so many things in my life and I should really get my ass in gear, but alas no one has poked me with a cattle prod recently!!

I am however looking forward to the "High Holy Month (HHM)" as we so fondly call it in the kazoo band. When kazoo practice starts, we know soon so will the "HHM." To those who do not know what the HHM is, let me explain. Once the holidays are over and cabin fever starts setting in, we start thinking about kazoo practice. YES, I know that sounds like an oxymoron!! KAZOO/PRACTICE!! I know the kazoo is not a REAL instrument, but never tell that to a devoted kazooist!!

The winters are long and cold upstate New York so we try to entertain ourselves any way possible, yup, kazoo practice brings us all together once a week. We start in January and culminate on St. Patrick's Parade Day weekend in Binghamton, which always falls on the first Saturday of the HHM. Yes, March!

Most novice revelers only come out usually on the actual high holy day itself, St. Patrick's Day, March 17th, but being the dedicated Irish group we are, we celebrate the whole month, hence the term the "High Holy Month."

So as I said, we have been practicing for six weeks, this being our last week before we march in the parade. We are just hoping the snow and sleet hold off and that St. Patrick himself blesses us with a sunny day!

So to start off the HHM I found this neat clip. I KNOW, it is not every ones taste in music but give it a listen!!

More HHM postings to follow!!!

1 comment:

VV said...

Hey, that's right up my alley, "We Will Rock You" on bagpipes. It doesn't get any more awesome than that!