Friday, February 19, 2010

Foto Friday

Seamus is catching up on his Facebook feeds ...


Anonymous said...

thats awesome!

VV said...

I deleted my Facebook page when their computer got too good at connecting me to anyone I ever knew. When a message popped up one day that I might like to "friend" the following people and my ex-husband was one of those people, I deleted my page. I haven't been married to the guy for over 14 years and we don't have the same last name or any people in common. I didn't even have my kids friended on my page which would have been a way to connect us.

Regina said...

HA!! this is funny

OldLady Of The Hills said...

He sure looks GREAT from the back!
My Cat has absolutely no interest in the Computer, I'm happy to say...And I have absolutely no interest in "FACEBOOK"...It really wrecked me when I found out that THEY could just access my Address Book---AND DID----and could send some stupid email to EVERYONE saying I wanted them to be my friend. NOT, NOT, NOT! Scary. This is like 'Big Brother' and I do not want this in my life,

I want my Cat in my life.....!