Thursday, January 8, 2009

Child Wisdom - Jan. 8th

I already knew I was dumber than the fifth graders, now it's the preschoolers turn!!??


Which way is the bus below traveling?
To the left or to the right?

Can't make up your mind?
Look carefully at the picture again.

Still don't know?

Pre-schoolers all over the United States
were shown this picture asked the same question.
90% of the pre-schooler's gave this answer.
'The bus is traveling to the left.'

When asked, 'Why do you think the bus is traveling to the left?'

They answered:

'Because you can't see the door to get on the bus.'

How do you feel now ???
I know, me too.


BrucMac said...

Good question. I thought it was standing still, but I haven't been on a bus in twenty years...

Monogram Queen said...

Oh my - got me there!!!

tshsmom said...

I got it right, I got it right!
Thank you, that's the 1st time I've felt smart all week. OK, so I'm only as smart as a preschooler, but I've had a dumb week, so just let me bask in it for awhile.

VV said...

I thought it was coming straight at me with the wheels being the bus's headlights. How's that for warped vision/thinking?

scrunch said... squiggly lines cartoonists use to show motion of the wheels...yep, I'm stupid.

but for those of you that got it wrong..of the 90% of the preschoolers who got it right...50% forgot their lunchbox...30% forgot their hats..mittens...homework..etc.....
and the remainder got on the WRONG bus....
Yea, I'm still stupid..but I don't FEEL stupid. That's gotta count,right??


Awwww, cm'om!!

tweetey30 said...

Oh goodness gracious I wasnt looking for that part of the bus at all.. LOL.. Hope everythings good with you..