Monday, January 5, 2009

STRESS!!!!! Jan 5th

OK, today is not going to be “Pretty Picture” posting day!!

Did you ever have one of those days that by the end you could rip off a canaries head with your teeth?? Well today was one of them! I do not often feel stress to this magnitude but today it seemed no matter which way I faced there was an asshole there!! I do not want to go too much into details since a few of those derrières may read this post … no Pat it is not you!

It is the type of day when you can feel the tension in your neck and your back … they type of day when you TRY SO HARD TO REMEMBER THAT STRESS MANAGEMENT CLASS you took ….how are you handling conflict? … NOT FREAKING WELL …are you at risk of job burnout? …YES today I am!!!! …how happy are you on a scale of 1-10? … GIVE me the freakin scale and I’ll show you!!!

I took so many deep breaths today to calm down that I just about passed out from oxygen deprivation!

So I looked up some ways to treat stress on the net and found some clever ideas … so tomorrow I may just try a few of these!

I could learn to smile, talk about what stresses me, keep a journal and write about your feelings, Read a book that interests me…

Drive to work in reverse…Dance naked in front of my cats … Make a list of things I’ve already done … Bill my doctor for the time I spent in his waiting room … When someone says "Have a nice day!" tell them you have other plans … Jam tiny marshmallows up my nose and try to sneeze them out … Start a nasty rumor and see if you recognize it when it gets back to you … Thumb through the National Geographic and draw underwear on the natives …Get a box of condoms then wait in line at the checkout counter and ask a cashier where the fitting rooms are … Tune all the radios to a polka station; then turn them all off and turn the volumes to "10" … Re-dress the mannequins as you see fit … Put M&M's on layaway … When someone asks if you need help, begin to cry and ask, "Why won't you people just leave me alone?" … Get boxes of condoms and randomly put them in peoples carts when they don't realize it … Go to an empty checkout stand and try to check people out …

I am not sure what I will do to vent … I will let you know which form of stress relief I used !! Right now I need to find that dam bottle of wine!! Thanks for letting me vent!!


Monogram Queen said...

I totally feel you, the littlest thing is setting me off this a.m. Ugh here's to a better day for both of us.

Anonymous said...

Maeve, Phew, was sure hoping that I was not the cause of your stress. Try real hard not to be the cause of any additional stress on any one. But it must have been your turn in the nuthouse todady:)Mine is surly coming. By the way really like your cat photo at top of blog today. VV, had sent me a card that I still have with one of those stressed pussys. Can you imagine, someone going up to a young pharmist, and requesting a fitting room for condoms, that just strikes me hee hee. But think that I would go for the dancing around cat naked.:)p from ny

tshsmom said...

I hear ya sister! Stress heads straight to my back too. :(

Now I have this irresistible urge to drop boxes of condoms in people's shopping carts. I'd LOVE to do that to all the idiots who park their carts sideways in the aisles and act all offended when you try to get through.

Hi Pat! ;)

VV said...

I like the marshmallow idea the best. It's the least likely to get you into trouble. Oh what the hell, find a box of condoms and put them in the cart of an elderly couple, then listen for the fight. Hehehe